Sunday, February 20, 2011

You Might Be a Redneck..

Yeehawwww everybody! this week we're celebrating the anniversary of the best darn-tootin sports institution to ever grace these here United States! Y'all know I'm talking about NASCAR!

Yep, this week marks the 63rd anniversary of the founding of the National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing (wow, it does actually stand for something), known to all you rednecks as your beloved NASCAR. So crab your truckers cap, mullet styler, lucky strikes and a big case of Bud-Heavy and let's delve into this unfortunate American tradition.
"Already on it"

NASCAR got its start, like most traditions in the south, around booze. Stock car racing originated during Prohibition, when Moonshiners developed fast, lightweight cars in order to deliver their products while evading the cops. For those of you who've never been to the Appalachians, those roads can get pretty twisty, so it took some ingenious moonshiners to come up with the best and most effective liquor-smuggling machines.

Like this guy!
Eventually people found that it was a dang good time just to race these cars, and stock car racing started to become popular throughout the South. NASCAR really got its start though, in Daytona Beach, Florida where William France organized an official stock car racing league. This league was officialy christened the South's beloved NASCAR on February 21st 1948.

Today NASCAR is the second most watched sport in the United States with an estimatated 75 million fans. These fans apparently purchse over $3 billion worth of sports-related product each year. Thats a helluva lot of beer-dispensing hats. The NASCAR fan is a unique breed of American that doesn't occur to much in these here parts. You can make fun of 'em all day but in the end, they like what they like and don't care what you think, which I guess it a good way to live your life, especially if you're missing a few teeth.

Personally, I'm more of a "real" sports kinda girl and the thought of watching a car drive around an oval for 3 hours doesn't seem like a good time to me, no matter how many Budweisers I could choke down prior to it.

Why most of the world hates Americans..


  1. I'm not a redneck, and having beer hats and watching cars sounds like a great time. Great post, Ricky Bobby would be proud.
