Monday, February 28, 2011

"Like the Ancient Hawaiians say.."

I can't believe that this week is the beginning of March! I  think everyone will agree with me when I say THANK YOU GOD. It's almost spring! (Kinda) that means I can actually go outside with one layer of clothing and not ruin my shoes trekking to Alpine in the snow! Warmer weather also means more outdoor activities, and this week I'm celebrating the patenting of one of the greatest outdoor activities. Hoola Hooping!
Shake it like a Polaroid picture!

  The first Hula Hoop was patented on March 5, 1963 by the Wham-O company. You might be familiar with Wham-O, they're the company that made all the plushy, missile shaped toys and football that you probably spent countless hours torturing your younger siblings with back in the day. They also made the first frisbee!


Anyway, the company sold 25 million Hula Hoops in the first four months of production. See, this is why I dont understant why I bother with college sometimes. I can make millions upon millions of dollars selling hoops made out of freakin' PVC pipe, why am I wasting my time (and money) with all this worthless stress?

If you ever watch the show Pitchmen you know what I'm talking about. People invent a goddamn fold up wrench and they make millions. I have an ivy-league-level education and all I have to look forward to is mountains of debt for the next 30 years. Don't forget Grad School so I can get a "real job" somewhere down the line.
I'm not bitter, really!

Er, anyway, back to my point. Hula hoops are pretty fun and have lasted the test of time without really changing too much. They haven't changed because, as I've pointed out, its a hoop made of PVC pipe, not much room for change. People either are awesome at Hula Hooping or terrible. I'm somewhere in between I guess. Basically, when I don't think about it I can hula hoop like a champ, but most of the time I suck. My friend, Ethan, is actually one of the best Hula Hoopers I've ever seen but the catch is that he can only do it when he's drunk. If he tries to do it sober he can't keep it going. strange, but admirable at the same time

I don't know if I should be worried that it's clearly daytime..

 Happy almost spring! :D


  1. I love this post. Yay for hula hoops. They are so much fun.

  2. I'm SO happy its almost spring
    also this post made me really happy -thank you
    i was quite the hula-hoop-er when I was younger, haven't really given it a try in a while haha

  3. Hilarious and even more hilarious photo support!

  4. I can't hula hoop at all, though I always enjoy trying to do it.
