Sunday, March 20, 2011

Most B.A. Trophy in all of Sports

I'm not much of a sports person, when it comes to television viewing. Football's too complicated and takes FOREVER, baseball's too boring and takes FOREVER, Basketball doesn't take forever but is still kinda boring to watch unless its the last five minutes. There is one sport that I love to watch though, and that's hockey. It's the perfect sport: low scoring, violent and timely. Games are always over in 2 hours max, unlike baseball which you could watch for about 8 hours before it ends (assuming you didn't die of boredom first).
Gouge my eyeballs out with a spoon...please.

What does any of this have to do with history? Well this week happens to mark the 117th anniversary of the first Stanely Cup championship, played on March 22nd 1894. For those of you who don't know what the Stanley Cup is, it is only the most bad ass trophy in all of sports. There's only one, not like other sports which make about 23234 copies of a trophy which only ends up on Pawn Stars 30 years later.
Suck it, Heisman trophy

Lord Stanley's Cup, as it is referred to (mostly by Canadians) was orgiinally crafted by Lord Stanley of Preston himself who, by the sound of it, was a rich little hockey fan who, not needing a real job, decided to dedicate a silver punch bowl the the NHL. Little did he know that it would become the most treasured trophy in the sport, and a symbols of sportsmanship and honor. Each year, the winning team of the NHL championship has the names of all its players and staff inscribed on the cup, like, forever. By now the trophy stands almost 3 feet tall. Pretty sick if you ask me.

In addition to getting their names inscribed on the cup, each player gets to spend a little alone time with the cup over the course of the next year. If you read up on some of the stories you wouldn't be too shocked to hear most of them involve drunk hockey players. I'm sure if that thing could talk it would have a lot of stories to tell, most of them you probably wouldn't want to hear.
Throw up in my mouth. Bad, Hayden Panettiere, BAD.

 There are a few famous stories though, of players letting their dogs eat out of the cup, drinking expensive wine out of the cup and even baptizing their kids in it. Unfortunately though, I'm a Boston fan and anyone following the Bruins knows that we aren't anywhere close to winnning the Stanley Cup anytime soon. It's kinda sad and I would kill to see them win it and be at the game. Guess unitl then I'll just have to do something crazy and like, cheer for the Red Sox or something. Ew.

1 comment:

  1. I laughed so loud at the opening section of this blog that students passing my office started whispering about me! You've ruined my reputation forever--however, a good laugh is worth it!
